A live vaccine against toxoplasmosis for use in sheep. This product may only be prescribed by your local veterinary practitioner from whom advice must be sought.
Product Information for Vets –
Toxovax is a live vaccine against toxoplasmosis for use in sheep. Vaccination with Toxovax is known to protect for at least two lambing seasons. It is likely that within this time natural infection will have boosted the animal’s immunity making further re-vaccination unnecessary. However, this cannot be guaranteed and for complete protection vaccination may be repeated every two years.
Toxoplasma is an environmental contaminant so all flocks can be at risk. Many of the losses probably go undiagnosed unless flocks are blood sampled to determine whether titres against toxoplasma are present. Heavy infections, typically in small groups, can cause infertility in half or more of the ewes. More often it is a grumbling problem affecting a few percent of ewes and the extent varies from year to year. However, even at this level it is usually worth controlling.
Legal category
Packaging Quantities
Carton with 1 vial of vaccine, 1 vial of Unisolve and one transfer kit.
Vials containing 10, 20 or 50 doses supplied together with Unisolve.
An administration kit including a vented transfer device for vaccine reconstitution and disposable automatic syringe with a guarded needle system is available.
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